Saturday, January 30, 2010

Reality War?

Yes, if you are alive in the 21’st century than this battle is raging all around you. For the lost there are no problems except which brand or flavor of reality do you wish to subscribe to. Like a pair of shoes you choose what feels good to you and make decisions off of that. Easy enough to change and compensate for your changing preferences and desires. Sadly enough most Christians have adopted this form of self deception and subjugation. Not realizing that the Lord Jesus Christ died for their liberty. When you ask Him to be your savior and king, you just might want to bow your knee. By this I mean admit that He alone has the keys to truth and righteousness. If you are walking through life as a servant of Christ than His will must be paramount. In any given subject you have got to visit the throne of grace and ask the King of kings for His ruling. Scripture comes first, fallowed by the laws of nature and proven through all of history. If we have questions there are answers aplenty if our eyes would just open. This is particularly why modern entertainment is so dangerous, there is no in-between. Either something is glorifying to Christ or is against Him. We are sheep, so easily discouraged or deceived. In general today’s entertainment offers false realities where the laws of God do not apply. Nice people with good hearts suffer needlessly and the audience is upset and wants to defend them. In reality these people are practicing all matter of lewdness and rebellion against God. They need to suffer in order to see the need for a savior. If we want to defend sinners from God then what have we become? Worse than this, today’s entertainment also portrays people in rebellion against the institutions of God, then are blessed for it. All the while there is never any repentance or need for it. When you go deeper than this, some of the things that are most dangerous are the presuppositions and ascetics. They are the most deceptive also. We can rail against bad characters or plots. While missing the fact that the false presuppositions and ascetics have crept into our hearts and made themselves a home. The only way to clean these things out is through scripture and to separate yourself from them. You can not play with the plague without getting you and your household getting sick. If you have ungodly entertainment that defies the laws of God around you, don’t be surprised if your poisoned. That after all is their very purpose for being. If these scoundrels have to remove profanity and perversion from their craft in order to keep feeding this deception to us, they will. It’s more about placating a false sense of reality in us than anything else. Remember satan comes as an angle of light and the best lies sound like the truth. God have mercy on us for being so lazy minded.



1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your convicting insight. It reminds me a lot of the Mr. Maxwell's sermon this evening. One of the things you said that struck me especially was "If these scoundrels have to remove profanity and perversion from their craft in order to keep feeding this deception to us, they will." I had never thought of it in that way before, but you are so right! Satan's humanistic philosophy is often presented so subtly, and so sugar-coated that we miss it, but are still poisoned by it!
