Friday, November 20, 2009

Have you repented of original sin?

When we reserve the right to decide what is right or wrong for ourselves or our families. We are wrong and in danger. God and God alone decides right from wrong. Where we agree with Him we are right and were we differ we are just plain wrong. After all this is the original sin. Our forbearers in the garden believed a lie and made a bad choice. We likewise have followed suit and rarely question it. If you have heard it said “ that is true for you” then you know what I mean. If we are Christians then this should be a consuming passion and if not then we have other needs. Repent of original sin, find the truth and know God. After all that’s why He went through all the trouble to give us His word. If we don’t know it then our problem is one of the heart (misplaced affections).

B a Worel 4/17/07

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Deliberate Acts of Honor

Honor is a funny thing you don’t really see it around much and when you do it moves you. Everybody loves it, allot of people demand it and few people earn it. You can’t honor anyone unless you yourself are humble. Christ demands wives to honor there husbands but husbands can’t really earn it .Yet when they receive it as such it fundamentally changes them. (A process of Gods law) As children of God we are adopted as His sons, we must unleash the power of honor in our community by loving and honoring our Christian brothers as men. We will be drawn together and the whole body will be blessed. When I consider honor I am led back to the knights of old. In my minds eye I see the strong protecting the weak. Defending the fatherless and widow which is true religion. If we accept this consuming power of grace from Jesus Christ. Then we can not simply abide our time or sit back in comfort. Our duty to Christ the King is to reflect the honor of the high throne and calling of our salvation before the world here and now. Live in honor today, make it a habit and a way of life . Eat honor sleep honor dream honor and breathe honor. Honor is the product of humility, self control and spiritual maturity. Honor is the work of Christ in your heart. Men must be men and live in honor.

Will you make your life a deliberate act of honor?

B. Worel 1/16/07

Friday, November 6, 2009


If things are ok and go on as they have, people seem to live without alarm. Our eyes and hearts are dim and weary from the toil and stress of just getting by. It seems the perfect position for people to be in as this lazy stupor keeps us docile.
In this land of freedom we must be those who ask why. It is a scary proposition, questioning the statuesque of reality. Peoples realities are personal, often based on loved ones or dear friends. There is usually an emotional attachment to it. “That’s how its always been done” is common enough that all are familiar with it.
What about freedom? If we don’t understand why something is done then how can we have a compassion or commitment to it. We must ask why! Like why in a free nation where you see the statue of Liberty, Liberty bell, and Liberty hall, why is it that no one knows its meaning? Somehow in our reality we have pushed it out or forgotten it. The blur between Liberty and freedom has made them seem indistinguishable. Isn’t it ironic that a nation founded on liberty has lost it to time and ignorance? If you don’t know where your foundation is how can you stand on it. It’s no wonder you wander aimlessly while confusion and division reign.
George Washington said “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.” It is the duty of all common men to restrain it. Only a love for liberty is a just motivation for accomplishing this task.
Liberty is so grand who can fully understand the implications, you give it as an inheritance to your children. If you have it, you must thank those who gave it to you. Not just the soldier and statesmen but the pastor also. Liberty insures peace in the land . It is selfless, rejecting lust and selfishness. If neglected it withers and must be restored with tearful repentance and possibly blood. Liberty is inseparably tied to the Christian faith in that the gospel of Christ is the gospel of liberty. Christ died to set the captives free. Like Moses leaving Egypt to serve God. Living a life of liberty is serving God with all your substance, starting with your own heart. If you don’t know salvation you can never truly live a life of liberty because you are a slave to sin and not free. Liberty is the gift of God , purchased with Christ’s sacrifice. “ Where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty”. If Christ is in you then you have it. If you have it you must share it. Spread it like sunshine in a summer day. Igniting the land with the beauty of the Lordship of Christ over all things. Your culture will reflect this battle. Liberty is the freedom to control yourself.
You were saved in order to change the world. Helping men to see who rules all things.

B.A.Worel 7/11/08

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Love Christ

It is not enough to try and do good while avoiding evil. The

problem is that evil gratifies our flesh and its lust which can never

really be filled. Any amount of caving into those desires leads to

more and stronger ones and then to addiction. That is why there is

no hope for the lost. Being slaves to sin they are trapped by their

lust and there is no escape. Save one, salvation through repentance

in Jesus Christ. Even Christians if not mature and self controlled

will constantly struggle if they don’t flee these earthly lusts. The

real secret is to love Christ (which is a natural response to

forgiveness) and by that I mean to love truth, obedience,

submission, kindness, honor, gentleness and ect… Its only when

we really love Christ and therefore His character that we will

pursue them. When that passion flows through you as you pursue

Christ you will be filled! That old stuff will be a forgotten trash

