Thursday, October 29, 2009


People walk through life without a real care, consumed with something called Happiness. It effects there mind and life distorting and confounding good thought processes. I have even heard them consumed about the Happiness of children as if it is a real goal to be focused on. The big danger of such thinking is that what is behind this P.C. jargon is a deep seeded selfishness. We should all know that selfishness leads only to the destruction of yourself while hurting others along the way. The end of selfishness is suicide, when you find yourself in a state of self pity and a loss of this false idol happiness.
In contrast doing what is righteous in spite of how we might feel is in itself a path to ours and others fulfillment. This is a hard lesson and a battle that must be fought and won early in our walk towards that goal of spiritual maturity. If we don’t get this then how can we ever receive the higher things. Our silly focus will always be on the flesh and how to please its every whim. The true battle line is between the flesh and spirit, whom will you serve? You can only choose one master. Can you divide your body? No and neither can you divide your life. If you are to serve the Prince of Peace all of you must be His.
What a patient and loving God who reveals only piece by piece to us of our imperfection so as not to kill us or destroy us. To know God is to love righteousness and cleanse our own way with heartfelt circumspection. Cleaning our own mirror as it were in order to reflect His true beauty more perfectly. After all we were made to praise Him, and our reward is joy.
B.A.Worel 6/8/2007

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Land of the free

In “The Land of the Free” we are currently enjoying the blessings of the information age. In a matter of seconds you can view thousands of facts on any given subject.
Instead of investing these treasures in wisdom and understanding we are busy with time wasters and life defilers. For those in the know and informed on this diabolical doublespeak. We are actually suffering from terminal ignorance. As a nation we are so stupid that we cannot perceive the depth thereof. In reality our state bird should be an Ostridge and the national motto “If ignorance is bliss, this is the happiest place on earth”. This terminal ignorance has as its foundation a case of apathy and laziness. We are a nation asleep. The state perpetuates this ignorance with a backwater educational system, teaching what to think and not how. Putting an amazing amount of value on artificial intelligence (i.e. a degree) and not actual. They produce a Narcissistic zombie who loves its socialist dogma. People who could care less about anything that does not feed this lust.
The only answer is to separate yourself from this tantalizing sewage of the mind. Detoxifying your mind from ignorant platitudes. Drink deep from the everlasting fountain of truth. Always asking why and learning.
The lessons and skills of a generation should be handed down to the next. We must amass a wealth of wisdom and understanding in our hearts. Leaving it as a foundation for future generations. If this is done the future will be bright as has been in times past. If we fail to do this, we will continue to be manipulated by the state, living short sighted futile lives.

B.A.Worel 7/7/08

Sunday, October 25, 2009


 Liberty is righteous. It is the freedom to control yourself. When

you live unrighteously you lose your liberty. A man consumed with

himself will be a slave to his lust and will offer no protection for his

family. (Proverbs) Without Christ we are slaves to sin but in Christ we die

to sin. Now we have the power to live a self-controlled life. Self-control is not

perfection, but it is the mark of adulthood and spiritual maturity. If the

Spirit of the Lord is in you, you will live a self-controlled life. ( were the

Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty) It will affect everything you do

and think. The Chief job of a parent is to instill an ability to control oneself

to their children. This is done by example and training. History has

proven that the self-controlled will be free and the lascivious will be

slaves. Which would you choose for your children?

The choice stands before us. Patrick Henry once said “Give me

liberty or give me death" and publicly educated minds think he is an

anarchist. It is in liberty that we can serve our God. Joshua said "As

for me and my house we will serve the Lord" and I believe they were

saying the same thing. Say no to the bondage of selfishness and yes

to the liberty and lordship of Jesus Christ!

B.A. Worel 10/21/05