Friday, October 10, 2014


     I firmly believe in honor as the highest measurement of maturity; while our culture has largely left this concept in the dusty bins of history only to forget its meaning. As a result our nation has lost its vision and clung tightly to the precepts of immaturity. It is true that a man without honor has forsaken his calling as such, no longer seeking the privilege of a hard earned day or a job well done; ease is his delight. Rejecting honor we have become a people who forsake wisdom and slide to the position of slack handed idle babblers. It is not ease but the strenuous life which is a noble pursuit suggests Theodore Roosevelt and I concur but the pursuit of Utopia is a vain and ignorant one. I delight in the ideal that men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights and among them are the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This christian concept encourages everyone to pursue their life with a reverent gratitude that also limits that pursuit when it harms their neighbor.

Thus honor is imitating the author of truth and goodness.

Liberty = the freedom to control yourself.


When we become addicted to our escapist alternate realities, we loose the ability to understand and enjoy this one.