Friday, July 29, 2011

Fairness is a horse

Fairness is a horse the Captain of the host rides into
battle. He’s casting down Honor and punishing
Diligence with his lack of concern. Having turned aside
his advisors and esteemed men, (Punctuality, Diligence
and Integrity) he pushes forward to that which is
naught : Utopia. While Manhood is thrown asunder, idle
babblers and vain talkers are lifted up with false
prestige. He has been led astray by Team-speak and
Group-think, agents of that unfaithful deceiver,
Emotion. Upon arrival to this promised valley
they find it an androgynous pit of hopeless despair.
Engulfed with an enumerable league of enemies his
heart sinks with a dark and clammy death.
In their effeminate state of darkness they are trapped
and confused. Having thrown off Honor; Manhood,
Faith and Purpose went with him. Without this kind of
character immaturity and immorality had crept into the
troops, they no longer have a will to fight! That poor
lame horse will not deliver you from your old enemy
Deception that has long pillaged your borders and
now seizes your very life. There is no one to turn to
for help, save a miracle from The Most High.

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