Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's Sleeping

It's Sleeping it's sleeping
Can't you hear Christ weeping.

One day Christ came to see his bride and what he saw was filth and pride.
She was asleep at the plow unable to work, to concerned with herself to see the hurt.
The ground was so hard the seeds wouldn't grow, she'd all but ceased to plow and sow.
When she awoke she jumped with a shout "I don't know why these seeds won't sprout!"
When she saw who it was she broke and was scared, her heart was crushed by the marks that he bared.

He said "Look to me look to me and it shall be done, you've no strength in yourself except Christ God's Son!"

1 comment:

  1. What a thought-provoking, convicting poem! Thanks so much for sharing--Christians (myself included sometimes!) tend to be sleep-walkers, and there will indeed come a day when the bride of Christ will wake with a start!
