Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dear Friend

"Know you not that friendship with the world is enmity with God?"

Dear Friends, are we such heathen hearted buffoons that these words don't shatter our pride and cause our inmost being to shudder. Taking our religion for granted and walking in our secure stupor. If you are saved then the Spirit of God should shoot through you like a lightening bolt, dispelling the darkness and getting our full attention. We can not afford to be titillating our senses on the rooftop like David. The war is ragging. We are called to fight and fight we must.
I don't believe the issue at hand is kindness to the heathen. Scripture and history display this fully, but rather entering into a relationship or close association to worldly things. Christ is primary and nothing else should come close. As soldiers in the fight we must be serious, sober minded, relying heavily on the word for sure direction.
The stark warning is very fearful, its not that God has moved, but it is that you have acted the traitor. The God who called you and has given his orders -you have betrayed. He paid an awful price for you, what have you paid for him ?
The immense love of God is not a small thing, you can not afford to live as though it is. Your cheerful obedience as a soldier of Christ is the issue. How else should you walk with your God ! We are not called to a slumbering passivity, but to destroy gates and towers of the evil one. Load your mind with what is good and true. Do not shrink back, take the fight to them and never relent.
The crown rights of Christ is your banner, you can serve no other.

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying your blog--thanks for showing it to me! What a wonderful post and challenge this is! We think we can fraternize with our sinful culture and remain pure, but that is a lie. Unfortunately, these days churches are looking like entertainment arenas, pastors like motivational speakers, and church members like any average unbeliever. I am guilty of distraction myself.
    God bless!
