Thursday, June 17, 2010

It’s Dominion

        As we look at the slumbering hopeless faces of men in our churches. I can't help but ask why? Beside the fact that society as a whole has been at war with Biblical manhood since the fall. The church by and large has not helped by enacting touchy feely programs that seem more appropriate for the effeminate than real men.

    Men are geared for battle, made for war. They need the challenge of a purpose and a goal. They need a job to do in service to God. Dominion is the answer and we must fight for it until Christ comes and says enough.

    Dominion is what puts fire in the belly. It is our purpose for life. It is our politics, our church focus and our generational goal. Our next program should be lets take dominion of this city and when we have that – then the county. Get involved in your water district, your PUD and in everything for Christ. Every Christian should be involved in something and no one Christian should be in everything.

    Our godly wives are dying for godly vision to come beside their husbands and overcome the world.

    What are you waiting for? Does occupy till I come mean submit to a socialist state that will pamper you to death for a small fee, meanwhile selling you children's future away for a bowl of pottage? If we stand still now and refuse to move then our children will be in the mud pits of the future kingdoms making mud bricks for a system that hates God.

    Dominion is being involved in our society while the Crown Rights of Christ rules our hearts and mind. He is our king. Those early patriots died with those words on their breath and we shall not live in such a way as to make them of none effect. Let all who call upon the lord cry out daily "NO king but King Jesus!" Amen

    This salvation is not game nor is it safe. It will cost you everything and you will be happy to give it. Your salvation is not just for your benefit nor the benefit of your family. You are to bless your nation and the world. You as a Christian are by definition a world changer. Evil strongholds are no longer safe. The order of things will not stand if they are not founded on the Christ and His Gospel.

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